
Praise and reviews for Nora Gedgaudas and her book, Primal Body Primal Mind

These days, hormones are a hot topic. In primal body, primal mind, Gedgaudas focuses on those hormones that are commonly unbalanced and problematic to the American population, contributing to symptoms such as weight gain, low energy, poor mood, and even premature aging. In clear and simple terms Nora describes the root of these problems and outline solutions that are effective and easy to apply. This is the book you want to read.

Janet R. Lang, BA, DCAuthor, educator and founder of Restorative Endocrinology

There have been very few times in the last several years where I’ve read a book about nutrition that captured my interest and held it, Nora did. Her book should be required reading for everyone interested in proper dieting and nutrition. Not only is the book informative, but it’s written in a way to hold your interest and educate you without the normal pain of nutritional text. Her analysis and information regarding Paleo is a life changing event that will improve your health and change your lifestyle. A MUST read!!

David Paulidesauthor of Missing 411

In my opinion, Primal Body, Primal Mind is the best book so far ever done on the Paleolithic diet.

Charles PoliquinOlympic and World Champion Strength CoachPoliquin Strength Institute

I would like to congratulate you on your book ‘Primal Body, Primal Mind’. It is the first book I have read that really starts to understand the effects of foods to which humans are not genetically adapted.

Bill Giles, MS, BSImmunobiology Specialist, Canberra Medical Ecology CenterHopetoun Circuit, Deakin Australian Capital Territory

I wish to compliment you on your well researched, excellent book Primal Body, Primal Mind. It is the first one in this field I have come across that discusses the work of both Dr. Mary Enig and the Weston A. Price Foundation and Dr. Gerald Pollack. Congratulations.  I admire the work that you are doing in this field.

Donald W. Miller, Jr., M.D.Professor of Surgery, 
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery
University of Washington School of Medicine

2½ years ago my partner, Nic found an amazing book that changed our lives… It’s called Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet For Total Health and A Longer Life by Nora Gedgaudas. If you’re interested in empowering yourself and your loved ones, this book will enlighten you with a mountain of incredibly important knowledge and provide you with the keys to long-term health, vibrance and longevity!

Pete Evanscelebrity chef, restauranteur, TV presenter, health coach and authorHost of TV Series' My Kitchen Rules and Moveable Feast

I see truth in Nora’s teaching over and over. I recommend her book and website to all my recovering autoimmune clients. The best testimonials I have for this work come from the ones who resisted the diet and tried other methods first. When they embrace this and begin healing, they kick themselves for wasting so much time. They are also walking advertisements for “the proof is in the primal pudding.” 

Dr. Kari Vernon, DC, CNS, DCBCN, DCCN, FIACA

Nora Gedgaudas is a warrior fighting for our collective health. For 2.6 million years humans knew what to eat: animal fat and protein. On that diet, we grew tall, strong, and disease-free. That primal pattern is still there, laid down like a labyrinth circling out of our DNA, and Nora is ready to guide us. This book is fabulous.

Lierre Keithauthor of The Vegetarian Myth

I consider Nora’s work to be the definitive statement on the nutritional needs of the brain. It is required reading for all of my patients and for anyone with an interest in maintaining their own vitality throughout their life.

Glen ZielinskiD.C., D.A.C.N.B.assistant professor of clinical neurology at the Carrick Institute

This book is so much more than another ‘what to eat’ book.

Julie Holland, M.D.Author of Weekends At Bellevue