Planning for the uncertain economic future ahead... So what is a health and nutrition practitioner/author/educator doing writing about the economy? No, I am not having delusions of … [Read more...]
Nora Gedgaudas
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Planning for the uncertain economic future ahead... So what is a health and nutrition practitioner/author/educator doing writing about the economy? No, I am not having delusions of … [Read more...]
by admin 21 Comments
The rumors of my extended alien abduction are somewhat exaggerated…though given the changes in the world over the last couple of years we all might as well be on an alien planet about now. When the … [Read more...]
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This global crisis is one that affects us all. I wanted to let you know that I've created a free special report related to COVID-19. The information within this report represents several weeks of very … [Read more...]
by admin 8 Comments
"Are taking statins beneficial in the case that a person has a high calcium heart scan score?" This is going to sound controversial, but I really don't care. In my view, not only have statin … [Read more...]
The world has lost a great biochemist, researcher and a brilliant scientist: Dr. Richard Veech, PhD. He is most famous for his discovery of the Ketone Ester. Here is a wonderful article, written by … [Read more...]
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I am pretty excited to be sharing my newest project with you...I am getting ready to release my most anticipated online program to date: The Primalgenic® Plan: A Three-Week, Meal By Meal, Total … [Read more...]
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There has been a popular trend of late, toward a new version of "Paleo” termed ’The Carnivore Diet’. It is an approach that focuses exclusively upon animal source foods, eschewing plant foods more or … [Read more...]
I make it no secret that I am a big fan of Pique Tea, for frankly innumerable reasons. I need to point out that I am approached by many companies that provide me with samples, etc. and ask me to … [Read more...]
My wonderful and heartfelt friend, Darryl Edwards gave a superb TEDx talk, titled: 'Why Working Out Isn't Working Out’. It's fabulous, and important. Most of us are far too sedentary, and we … [Read more...]
Just yesterday—not even a week after the scientifically rigorous meta-analysis exonerating red meat study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine from McMaster University I came across the … [Read more...]