Dr. Joseph Mercola has written an article (dated April 29th) that every person concerned about this flu scare should read…and read carefully. I urge you to really take the time to do this. It’s probably the single most detailed and level headed (and trustworthy) report on this situation you will read to date.
Most of the suggestions for supporting your immune system are identical to the ones I suggested. He also added things like garlic (having anti-viral properties), washing your hands and avoiding hospitals and vaccines. All good additions. Too bad he stopped at recommending just omega-3’s as healthy fat sources, though. Coconut oil (raw, organic, virgin) and many other fats, including animal source fats, have potent anti-microbial (including anti-viral) activity.
Although there are numerous natural anti-viral compounds (herbal and otherwise) that you are likely to hear about, know that these cannot be a substitute for a crappy immune system. Remember: shore up your internal defenses FIRST, then, if you want or need to, supplement with the extra stuff.
To again quote the last words of Louis Pasteur (because some things bear repeating):
“The microbe is nothing-the terrain is everything!”
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