The rumors of my extended alien abduction are somewhat exaggerated…though given the changes in the world over the last couple of years we all might as well be on an alien planet about now. When the … [Read more...]
Nora Gedgaudas
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The rumors of my extended alien abduction are somewhat exaggerated…though given the changes in the world over the last couple of years we all might as well be on an alien planet about now. When the … [Read more...]
The world has lost a great biochemist, researcher and a brilliant scientist: Dr. Richard Veech, PhD. He is most famous for his discovery of the Ketone Ester. Here is a wonderful article, written by … [Read more...]
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I am pretty excited to be sharing my newest project with you...I am getting ready to release my most anticipated online program to date: The Primalgenic® Plan: A Three-Week, Meal By Meal, Total … [Read more...]
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A Three Week, Meal-By-Meal Total Health Transformation. Click here to be notified when the program is available. ~ Nora PS. My other courses are available here. … [Read more...]
Here is an amazing story I found on Facebook today (my commentary is below): Daisy Kadibil -- who was eight years old in 1931 when she escaped from an Australian internment camp along with her … [Read more...]
A new, critical documentary is being made by two very passionate and gifted filmmakers (not to mention beautiful human beings), Yasi Gerami and Davoud Gerami. Having gotten to know them both well over … [Read more...]
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About a year ago now I was interviewed by Rob Tate of PBS for an upcoming documentary film. The film was produced by my friend and Australian celebrity chef, Pete Evans. Rob was the director. I was … [Read more...]
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I just wanted you to know that my book Primal Fat Burner was nominated for the Best Health/Wellness Book in Paleo Magazine’s 2018 Paleo Awards! How cool is that? I am a bit surprised since I … [Read more...]
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The Primalgenic® Diet and Lifestyle was originally created by Nora Gedgaudas based on her clinical work and research of over 35 years. You can find more information about her work in her books, Primal … [Read more...]
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Enter to WIN a Primal Fat Burner Audio Book! A new revolutionary book by the author of Primal Body, Primal Mind that shakes the myths surrounding dietary fat right down to their very foundations … [Read more...]