I had a recent chat with Dave Asprey, host of Bulletproof Radio. Here are some of the things we talked about on his show: The brain and the body need certain raw materials in order to … [Read more...]
Nora Gedgaudas
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I had a recent chat with Dave Asprey, host of Bulletproof Radio. Here are some of the things we talked about on his show: The brain and the body need certain raw materials in order to … [Read more...]
by admin 9 Comments
I was interviewed on Hay House Radio by my good friend Heather Dane. We talked about blood sugar and brain health. (Plus a whole lot more!) Episode recap: How you see the world, how your mind … [Read more...]
by admin 5 Comments
Scientists reveal the relationship between sugar and cancer (ScienceDaily) A nine-year joint research project has led to a crucial breakthrough in cancer research. Scientists have clarified how the … [Read more...]
by admin 2 Comments
Q: I would like to know how this high fat diet can work for those patients that do not have a gallbladder. Because they no longer have the concentrated enzymes needed to breakdown a high fat meal dose … [Read more...]
by admin 4 Comments
Q: I've been taking EPA/DHA Omega 3 supplements since reading David Perlmutter's excellent Grain Brain and was wondering if it's safe to give to my kids and if so from what age and how much? A: You … [Read more...]
by Nora 2 Comments
OK--I am addressing the popular question concerning why I don't recommend calcium supplements. Basically, the American public has been completely bamboozled by the American Dairy Association … [Read more...]
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What exactly is the Paleo diet, and how does it work? What is the theory behind it? It is a way of eating that seeks to mimic foundational dietary principles followed by our ancestors throughout most … [Read more...]
_______________________________ Patrick Vlaskovits, founder paleohacks.com and paleolithicdiet.com, made this marvelous infographic as a nice way to frame the Ancestral Health Movement for fun. … [Read more...]
by Nora 15 Comments
I’ll start with where I am now—I’m 23 years old, and 15 of those years I’ve spent as a type 1 diabetic. I am completely dependent on insulin injections, since I no longer make any insulin of my own. I … [Read more...]
by Nora 86 Comments
Er....say WHAT? If you've never heard of the condition, pyroluria, you're not alone. Chances are your doctor hasn't heard of it either, or isn't too interested in it, even if he or she does know … [Read more...]