_______________________________________________________ Ingredients: Wild Caught Salmon Shitake Mushrooms Maitake Mushrooms Spinach (fresh) Chopped Asparagus Sliced Sweet … [Read more...]
Thai Salad with Spicy Dressing
Serves 6 The Salad ingredients: 1/2 head of Napa Cabbage, shredded 2 cups chopped, cooked chicken or seafood 2 bell peppers (red, yellow, or orange) cut into matchsticks 2 large carrots cut into … [Read more...]
Beef "Stoup" for Five
Ingredients: 1 lb. stew beef (try US Wellness Meats, or any pasture fed only beef) 1 large tomato 6-8 crimini mushrooms 1 onion 1 red pepper Unfiltered olive oil Butter Garlic, Sea salt, … [Read more...]
Quick and Easy Dinner For Two (Or More)

OK...so this isn't EXACTLY a "recipe", per se. I created this simple but tasty and festive meal from a few items I happened to have sitting in my refrigerator at home and enjoyed it on my patio with … [Read more...]
Healthy Ham Hocks-n-Greens
This "Southern-style" recipe was created by Portland's own Betsy Davenport, a regular and more than welcome contributor to the recipe section of this blog. You'll never miss the hush puppies! … [Read more...]
Stuffed Grape Leaves, "Sans Rice" by Durga Fuller
The following recipe was submitted to me by a talented chef named Durga Fuller--a devotee to low carb and "paleo-friendly" cuisine. The following is an example of culinary innovation at its best. … [Read more...]
Ersatz Stroganoff (not much measuring – just wing it)
This delightful recipe was donated by Betsy Davenport, to the good fortune of all. butter or butter/coconut oil in pan, heat to med. slice -not thin- onions, peppers remove In pan- add … [Read more...]
You Won't Believe it's Carb-Free Pizza Crust

There are versions of this all over the Internet. I've adapted this recipe to healthier standards and better quality ingredients than most. The main crust ingredient, believe it or not, is … [Read more...]
Mangalore salmon braised with coconut milk
This delectable recipe was sent to me by Durga, a member of Portland’s local Weston A. Price Foundation’s group with paleolithic culinary tendencies…for the good fortune of us all. I have made some … [Read more...]
This soup is heaven-on-wheels. Not only is it extremely hearty (wonderful, comforting and filling on a cold winter day), healthy and nourishing, it is also extremely supportive of immune … [Read more...]