This dish is ambrosial to sushi lovers…and even those that weren’t sure they were before experiencing this.


o ½ to one lb fresh sushi grade albacore or ahi (if affordable) tuna, finely diced
o ½ finely diced large sweet onion
o Minced chives
o Finely chopped, and pre-sautéed shitake mushrooms
o Finely chopped avocado (not too mushy)
o Hot pepper sesame oil (or un-hot sesame oil for the wimpy)
o Gourmet aged balsamic vinegar
o Black sesame seeds


Blend tuna, onions, pre-sautéed mushrooms, chives, and avocado together in a mixing bowl. Drizzle in sesame oil and balsamic vinegar—just enough to coat the mixture when blended.
Fill small ramekin cups with the mixture, pack tightly and chill. When ready to serve, invert the cups over a small plate and tap lightly to pop out the finished masterpiece. You may drizzle a touch more of the aged, gourmet balsamic vinegar and a sprinkle of black sesame seeds before serving. This dish is ambrosial to sushi lovers…and even those that weren’t sure they were before experiencing this.

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