With chili, the longer you simmer it the better and more flavorful it seems to become. This could all be done in a crock pot, too. You can serve this with a generous pinch of raw onions on top or a dollop of creme fraiche or sour cream (assuming you aren’t casein sensitive). It makes for a very filling and satisfying meal—especially on a cold winter’s day! Feeds 4-6 or more (depending on serving size and whether you can stop yourself from eating the whole pot by yourself)
– Organic chili spice (2-3 tablespoons…to taste)
– 1-2 quarts homemade or prepackaged organic, free range chicken broth
– One large can ( oz) of organic diced tomatoes
– One small can (oz) of organic tomato paste
– One to 1 ½ lbs of grass-fed ground beef, ground chicken or buffalo
– One large sweet onion, diced and sautéed in butter
– Handful of shitake/maitake mushrooms, diced and sautéed in butter
– 1-2 cloves minced garlic
– One handful of pre-soaked or canned organic black beans (entirely optional)
– Diced jalapenos (optional – to taste)
Using a soup kettle, brown the ground meat, then add in chicken broth
Bring the chicken broth to a boil
Add beans (if desired)
Add the chili powder
Add garlic
Add the tomato paste and diced tomatoes
Add in onions and mushrooms (already pre-sautéed)
Add diced jalapenos
Hi Nora, love your work.
Is this the chilli recipe that you add blended liver too?
I heard a podcast with Wellness Mama, I think, that you said a great way to hide liver is to puree it and add it to a chilli just before serving. Thank you so much.
You can add it to any chili recipe as long as it’s raw liver, blended and added just before serving. It will turn any chili into a superfood!