Here’s what you can expect in the coming weeks and months with my Primal Restoration™ Series and what you need to understand about how this works: I am creating these modules in a carefully sequenced way designed to help you build a solid foundation first that will then make more specific areas of interest much easier to address. For instance, do you or does someone you know have arthritis, or an autoimmune condition, or cardiovascular issues, or depression? You cannot possibly overcome any condition until you have addressed certain foundational issues first. If you truly want to restore real health there are no simple shortcuts. You truly have to start from the foundation-up. If you have arthritis, for instance, do you think that this has anything to do with your digestion? You better believe it does! All of these subjects are intertwined. So in the early Primal Restoration™ modules we will be addressing the basics: blood sugar, ketosis, digestion, detoxification…etc. But later on will really be hitting areas like autoimmune, brain and mental health, heart health, weight loss, diabetes… And a lot more—head on.