Praise and reviews for Nora Gedgaudas and her book, Primal Fat Burner
Ready to live long, lustily, wisely and well? Then it’s time to let Nora Gedgaudas teach you the “fats of life”.
In terms of nutritional knowledge, Ms. Gedgaudas is about a decade ahead of 99% of U.S. physicians, taught virtually zilch about healthful eating in medical school. Counterintuitive as it sounds, increasing your fat intake will promote weight loss. The real nutritonal villain is sugar (a fact kept hidden from us by the sugar industry!). The low carb-high fat diet described in ‘Primal Fat Burner’ protects people from obesity and heart disease. When it comes to making the overweight and chronically ill American healthy again, ‘Primal Fat Burner’ is destined to be a real game changer.
Nora Gedgaudas successfully navigates the dietary minefield in her new book, Primal Fat Burner. Whether you are following a strict ketogenic diet, cycle in and out, or simply want to learn more about incorporating healthy foods and healthy fat in your diet – much like our ancestors – look no further.
Nora Gedgaudas makes the unique case for the central role of fat and outlines a way of eating to dramatically improve health. Ketogenic eating plans are an important tool address the growing epideic of autoimmune disease.
Nora Gedgaudas was one of the early adopters of the low carbohydrate, high-fat science and diet. She not only understands the science very well, she is able to simply and accurately explain it to the lay reader and health professional alike. From some fine science to its application, this book has much to offer for someone just starting out and wanting to dip their toes in the low-carb water or for those already better versed in the science. It is an entertaining and informative read, and I highly recommend it.
Nora Gedgaudas deftly describes the link between what we eat and what we become. Millions of years of human evolution made us omnivores with well-muscled bodies and extraordinary minds that could not have developed without a diet rich in fat, including saturated fat! Read this book and you’ll understand why much maligned animal fat is so important to your health and why it is critical that it come from animals grazing on healthy land (and not confined to feedlots). I cannot recommend this book highly enough.
The message of the book is powerful and compelling. America has been on a disastrous course with respect to diet in its official policies, and in regard to our own work, the Standard American Diet represents an impediment to achieving the best results with neurofeedback. A major reset is in order, and the essential path is laid out in this book. Nora has been a prime mover in the paleo diet movement with her first major book, Primal Body Primal Mind. But the story continues to evolve as research proliferates, and as we learn to adjust to current realities regarding agriculture and the whole food processing chain…