All low-carb diets ‘promise’ weight loss, which is what most people want. But I’m the exception. I’ve never had a weight problem in my life eating full fat and whole foods. I’m 67. I don’t want to lose any weight and wouldn’t mind gaining a couple of pounds.
All I’m trying to do with this way of eating is keep my blood sugar within normal range. Right now my fasting blood glucose is between 110 and 125 with spikes to 200 if I eat starchy foods like grains/potatoes, etc. – clearly pre-diabetic.
So my question is:
What adjustments would you suggest for a person like me to control blood glucose but keep the weight or even gain a few pounds?
Thank you so much!
The diet my book promotes isn’t “about” weight loss but about reclaiming and expanding upon real health. I would expect weight normalization in time. High carbohydrate diets and certain forms of dysglycemia can also readily raise cortisol levels which can lead to muscle wasting and undesirably low weight issues in some. My book does discuss the mechanism for this. Whatever weight loss you might experience initially should be followed by an eventual normalization of healthy weight.
~ Nora
What about food intolerance (gluten, casein etc) as a cause?
Excellent point and—YES, this can most definitely be a cause of unwanted weight gain (and worse).