Source: Peak Moment TV on Youtube
“What people really think of as adrenal fatigue or burnout rarely has anything to do with the adrenals themselves.” Nora Gedgaudas dispels myths, and illuminates various forms of brain dysregulation that can affect our response to stress, as well as our energy levels. She also discusses the importance of a daily sleep-and-activity rhythm based on natural light and dark, a low-carbohydrate diet and supportive supplements. Nora is the author of a new e-book Rethinking Fatigue —What Your Adrenals are Really Telling You and What You Can Do About It.
“Nora Gedgaudas’ Rethinking Fatigue is dense with fascinating, cutting-edge information that’s easy to understand and use. A brilliant new work.” ~ Dr. Chris Decker
Is there a Paleo version of your Fatigue book?
i.e.: Non EMF?
I am one of those luddites that seeks natural surroundings over technology.
As a compromise– how about a downloadable version for my (wired not Wireless) Mac?
(You don’t need to own a Kindle device to read Kindle books from Amazon. You can download a FREE Kindle reader here.)
I’ve heard you talk about animal fat a lot. is there anyway to get the right kind of fat in your diet from vegetables? could cooking vegetables with lard or butter work?
I add duck fat, lard or other healthy fats to my vegetables.
Hi Nora
I think I have now listened to just about anything audio/video you have discussed on the internet. I am about to do a panel with Cyrex and I am wondering which would be the best test. I am keto-adapted (2.34 mm) and I therefore do not eat many of the items that would test for cross reactivity (however I do dairy + eggs) . I have spent a couple of thousand over the past year or two doing these food sensivity tests and in the end I just follow my strick diet which keeps me in ketosis. Please help-should I pursue the array 4 or perhaps a diffrent but just as informative test. Any info would be so appreciated
Thanks Nora!!
Array 4 will let you know if you are cross reactive with dairy and eggs. I highly recommend the array 4 panel to all my clients who really want to know.