For the past two years, fitness coach and nutritionist Ben Greenfield has been planning a live conference where you can come learn from the best-of-the-best in the realms of health, fitness … [Read more...]
Nora Gedgaudas
by admin
For the past two years, fitness coach and nutritionist Ben Greenfield has been planning a live conference where you can come learn from the best-of-the-best in the realms of health, fitness … [Read more...]
When did you become interested with the concept of evolutionary nutrition/fitness being that it was certainly not mainstream in academia? For the longest time in my early years of exploring the … [Read more...]
by Nora 5 Comments
Q: Hi Nora, I recently finished your book and am having a hard time with the macronutrient proportions. With only having about 50g of protein and a handful of carbs, this is only about 240 calories. … [Read more...]
by Nora 4 Comments
Q: Hi Nora--I have a question for you regarding nutrition and exercise. I understand what you have written about nutrition and how it pertains to exercise. According to Dr. Sears, exercising in brief … [Read more...]