This is a nice alternative to eggs in the morning (for the “egg weary”) and a way to get a few more veggies into your morning meal. Makes for a nice brunch dish.
- ½ to one lb quality ground breakfast sausage (chicken or pork)
- Washed and dried spinach – big bunch
- Diced broccoli or broccolini (“baby broccoli”)
- Diced asparagus
- Sliced Brussels sprouts
- Pre-sautéed shitake/maitake mushrooms and onions
- Any other diced fibrous veggies and greens you like
Cook the ground sausage and add the mushrooms and onions. Set aside.
Add butter to the pan and lightly sauté veggies and greens together
Combine sausage mix with veggies and greens and serve. Serves about 4.
This is a nice alternative to eggs in the morning and a way to get a few more veggies into your morning meal. Makes for a nice brunch dish.
thanks Nora for offering us this new program which is working for me, and helping to get me motivated. I am so looking forward to learning more.
Valerie Carland